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  3. Why is the full version primarily offered as a subscription?

Why is the full version primarily offered as a subscription?

My goal is to develop a high-quality app that offers you as a user new features and improvements on a regular basis. However, in order to achieve this goal, the app needs continuous revenue in order to finance itself and be economically sustainable.

What many don’t know: Developing and maintaining an app takes a lot of time. In the case of Budget Flow, for example, it took almost two years and several thousand hours of work from the idea to development and testing before the first version could be released to the App Store.

Through the subscription model, you benefit from regular updates and enhancements, as well as support to ensure your continued satisfaction. You also have the opportunity to try the app for free in advance to ensure that it suits your needs you can change or cancel the subscription at any time if you change your mind.

However, since some users do not like subscriptions, a slightly more expensive one-time purchase is also available. The price of the one-time purchase represents the customer lifetime value (CLV) and is approximately 2.5 times the annual subscription price. As a result, all future costs for updates and support are covered for the entire lifetime of the app, which would otherwise have been covered by recurring payments as part of a subscription.

Overall, this business model provides you, the user, with many benefits and a better experience through continuous updates and support. In the long run, a low priced one-time purchase would unfortunately not be sustainable, as this business model requires new users to keep buying the app to ensure its continuous development.

So if you like the app, I would be very happy if you support my work so that I can offer you even more great features in the future! ❤️

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