How to import CSV files

The CSV import allows you to import existing data into the app (for example from another app or your bank). In this article, you will learn how the CSV import works and how you can fix typical errors.

Import a CSV file

  • To import a CSV file, open the app and navigate to “Settings” => “Data” => “Synchronization and Data” in the settings. There you will find the “CSV Data” section at the bottom where you will find both the import and the export.
  • After you have clicked on “Import”, a view will open in which you can select the existing CSV file on your device.
  • In the view that then opens, the columns of the CSV file must now be mapped to the corresponding fields (e.g. which column contains the amount values or the names of the associated category). In many cases, the column names can be recognized automatically by the app. However, if this is not the case, the corresponding field must be mapped manually. To map a field, click on the corresponding entry and then select the name of the field.
  • In this process, not all fields need to be mapped. Only the amount and the date and date format are mandatory. Here is a list of all the fields, including what defaults are used:
TypeThe optional type field.

If not set, the type is determined based on the sign of the amount (e.g. -10.00 is considered an output). However, since there are also CSV files that show the type as a separate column and export the amounts without a sign, the type can also be set manually for all transactions to be imported.
AmountThe amount field.
Source CurrencyThe optional source currency field.

If not set, the globally selected default currency will be used.
Target CurrencyThe optional target currency field (for foreign currencies).

If not set, the globally selected default currency will be used.
Exchange RateThe optional exchange rate field (for foreign currencies).

If not set, the exchange rate will be set to 1.
Budget BookThe optional budget book field.

If not set, the currently selected budget book will be used.
AccountThe optional account field.

If not set, the default account will be used.
FolderThe optional folder field.

If the corresponding category already exists in the app, the transaction is simply assigned to it and the corresponding category folder is retained. However, if the category does not yet exist and no folder has been specified in the CSV file, the respective category is created during import and added to a new folder called “other”.
CategoryThe optional category field.

If not set, the transaction will be shown as “unassigned”.
PayeeThe optional payee field.
TagsThe optional tags field.
DateThe date field (e.g. “12/08/1995”)
Date FormatThe date format (e.g. “dd/MM/yyyy”).

This field cannot be automatically recognized because, as in “12/08/1995”, the 12 could be both the month “MM” and the day “dd”. However, to make the setting easier for you, the first value from the CSV file to be imported is shown at the top as an example:

NotesThe optional notes field.
Skip DuplicatesIndicates whether duplicate transactions should be skipped.

This is useful if you are re-importing a file that was previously imported incorrectly. However, this setting is disabled by default because it slows down the import of large files as there are many transactions to verify.
CSV Fields
  • If all fields have been mapped correctly and the validation was successful, you can click the “Import” button in the top right corner and perform the import. You will then see a dialog showing the progress and the number of successfully imported transactions.


  • Because the CSV format is not very well specified, it is unfortunately not possible to rule out the possibility of errors occurring during the import process. For example, many CSV formats can be imported without problems (e.g. “10”, “10.00”, or “10,00” as an amount), but if the file contains something uncommon like “ten euros”, it won’t work.
  • The first step is to compare it to the template available for download in the app. Once you have modified your CSV file, you can try to import it again.
  • If the CSV import still doesn’t work, feel free to contact the support within the app (“Settings” => “Support” => “Contact Developer” => “Other (Mail)”). Please make sure to attach a sample CSV file (e.g. with fictitious values) that can be used to reproduce and investigate the bug further.

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