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  4. How to Filter, Sort and Group Transactions

How to Filter, Sort and Group Transactions

By default, all transactions in the transaction list are sorted by date and grouped by day.

Filter Transactions

  • To filter your transactions in the transaction list, first go to the “Transactions” tab, open the “…” menu using the button at the top right and click on “Filter”.
  • A new view will then open in which all assigned properties (e.g. accounts, categories, payment types, etc.) are listed. Properties that are currently being filtered for are highlighted. To filter by a specific category for example, simply click on it so that it will be highlighted.
  • If you want to remove any filters, you can click on the “Reset” button.
  • When you’re finished, click “Done” and the view will close.

Sort Transactions

  • To sort your transactions in the transaction list, go to the “Transactions” tab, open the “…” menu using the button at the top right and click on “Sort”.
  • There you will find various options for sorting the transactions.

Group Transactions

  • To group your transactions in the transaction list, go to the “Transactions” tab, open the “…” menu using the button at the top right and click on “Group”.
  • There you will find various options for grouping the transactions.

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