By default, all transactions in the transaction list are sorted by date and grouped by day.
Filter Transactions
- To filter your transactions in the transaction list, first go to the “Transactions” tab, open the “…” menu using the button at the top right and click on “Filter”.
- A new view will then open in which all assigned properties (e.g. accounts, categories, payment types, etc.) are listed. Properties that are currently being filtered for are highlighted. To filter by a specific category for example, simply click on it so that it will be highlighted.
- If you want to remove any filters, you can click on the “Reset” button.
- When you’re finished, click “Done” and the view will close.
Sort Transactions
- To sort your transactions in the transaction list, go to the “Transactions” tab, open the “…” menu using the button at the top right and click on “Sort”.
- There you will find various options for sorting the transactions.
Group Transactions
- To group your transactions in the transaction list, go to the “Transactions” tab, open the “…” menu using the button at the top right and click on “Group”.
- There you will find various options for grouping the transactions.